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Contact Us

How To Contact Us

We are open Monday through Friday from 5PM though 11PM (EST), Saturday from 11am until 11 pm and Sunday from 4pm until 11 pm, every week of the year except for holidays.

Our phone number is
(864) 613-2200. If you get a recording during normal business hours, that is because our line is busy. Please leave a message with your phone number (including your area code), and we will return your call within the day.

Our physical address is: 902 B East Main Street Westminister SC 29693.

Our e-mail address We answer all e-mails within 24 hours.  If you need to check on an order, please e-mail If you do not get a response in a satisfactory time or feel you are not being treated well, please e-mail the senior manager at

Also check us out on Facebook at

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